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PO Box 125, Cranebrook NSW 2749

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Cranebrook United Football club

Home of the Mighty Cobras

News Flash! 

2025 Rego and Information
Cranebrook United Football Club have vacancies in our U13 boys team.
If interested please call Leanne Shiagetz on 0437 993 710.
2025 Trials


Please stay tuned to the website and Facebook page for the most up to date information regarding season start and trials.

Click here for archived news stories.

Upcoming Events

2025 Rego


2025 Trials

TBD individual times for each team

Junior and Mini Roos Muster 


AAM Muster

  Date and time TBC


Field Status


FIELD 1 - Check Facebook
FIELD 2 - Check Facebook


ALL FIELDS - Check Facebook

Updated 4/3/25 2.04pm

Fields closed for the season. For the most up to date information/changes visit our Facebook page

Safety at Andromeda
Save Our Surfaces Guidelines

There is to be no training on worn areas, wet areas & in penalty areas. Where possible please use off field areas.

Alcohol Consumption & Smoking Regulations At Football Grounds

For the enjoyment, comfort and safety of everyone, club members and spectators are reminded that there are regulations to adhere to. Penalties, including fines and suspensions, apply for breaches of the regulations.

Alcohol at Playing Venues
  • Alcohol is not permitted within 10 metres of the playing area at any time at any ground under the jurisdiction of NFA.
  • Glass bottles are not permitted at any ground ever under the jurisdiction of NFA.
  • Alcohol is not permitted at any ground under the jurisdiction of NFA on Saturdays.
  • Alcohol must not be consumed by any players or team officials during a game or at training.
  • Some fields have an alcohol free policy. Alcohol restrictions differ from club to club. Please check with ground officials at the venue before you commence drinking alcohol.
Smoke Free Environment

Smoking is not permitted anywhere around the fields at any time at any venue under the jurisdiction of NFA. This includes the side lines, the back of the nets, around the canteen area, change rooms or toilets.

Bank Details

BSB: 062589
Account Number: 00909389
Account Name: Cranebrook United Soccer Club
Bank: Commonwealth

Please put player's name & team as the reference.

Oval Watch Program 


Whilst we wait for the fields to dry out, please help us by keeping an eye out for any activity at either Andromeda or Sherringham which may damage the surface. If you have concerns, please contact the club or Penrith Police. Andromeda currently has the eastern field with motorbike ruts which will now have to be repaired. This incident is under investigation with promising leads.

If you are driving by the fields, a quick look and any appropriate follow up action would be wonderful. This will help get Andromeda up and running again for the benefit of everyone.


A huge shout of thanks to the many people who join together to make Cranebrook Cobras a wonderful club.

  • OUR COACHES AND MANAGERS, for your commitment to ensure that the teams are informed and ready,
  • OUR FANBASE, and last but not least,
  • OUR PLAYERS for without you there would be no club.

Keep Calm


All players, coaches, managers and spectators are reminded that there is zero tolerance for the abuse of referees, assistant referees, and Club or Association officials. Abuse need not be physical. It can also be verbal. It is NOT OK to give an official, opposition player or fellow spectator your unsolicited opinion of them, their performance, appearance or affiliated group in general.


As Andromeda comes alive over the weekend, please understand that it does so because of a group of dedicated people - our committee - who put in endless hours of work behind the scenes. Without these volunteers, the venue is just a paddock and the club members are just people. Please stop, smile and say 'THANKYOU'.

Many thanks to our sponsors.

Please support the companies that so generously support our club

our sponsors